Liste des films

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Corée The 6 Days Struggle at the Myong Dong Cathedral 명성 그 6일의 기록1997
Making the Spy 22일간의 고백1998
Mindullae 민들레1999
Another World We Are Making 또 하나의 세상1999
Old miners song 1999
I am Happy 나는 행복하다2000
One Man 2001
Keeping the Vision Alive 2001 2.62 (2 Critiq.)
Patriot Game 2001
Happy Friends 나는 행복하다2-친구2001
The Border City 경계 도시2002
The Story of Korean Informal Women Workers 나도 노동자이고 싶다2003
Mudang: Reconciliation Between The Living and The Dead Youngmae2003 4 (1 Critiq.)
Life Goes On 엄마...2004
Walking for Life 길동무2004
Les demoiselles de Pyongyang A state of mind2004 3.5 (5 Critiq.)
Repatriation Song Hwan 송환2004 3 (2 Critiq.)
What do people live for 사람은 무엇으로 사는가2004
It Goes On–The Undocumented Is Documented 국내신작전] 계속 된다-미등록 이주노동자 기록되다2004
Corps Etrangers Corps Etrangers2004

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