Liste des films

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Hong-Kong Banana Club 1996 2 (2 Critiq.)
Beyond Hypothermia 攝氏32度1996 3.82 (42 Critiq.)
Bodyguards of Last Governor 1996 2 (2 Critiq.)
Big Bullet 衝鋒隊怒火街頭1996 3.34 (43 Critiq.)
Boy's? 1996
Bloody Friday 1996 2.6 (5 Critiq.)
Blind Romance 偷偷愛你1996 3.19 (4 Critiq.)
Black Mask 黑俠1996 2.84 (68 Critiq.)
Best of the Best 1996 1.5 (2 Critiq.)
The Black Rose II 黑玫瑰義結金蘭1997 2.67 (3 Critiq.)
The Big Sting 1997 2 (1 Critiq.)
B for Boy 1998
Beauty Of the Haunted House 凶宅胭脂1998 3 (1 Critiq.)
Bio Zombie 生化壽屍1998 3.19 (35 Critiq.)
Bishonen 美少年之戀1998 3.52 (13 Critiq.)
Beast Cops 野獸刑警1998 3.7 (41 Critiq.)
The Blacksheep Affair 碧血藍天1998 2.15 (26 Critiq.)
Ballistic Kiss 殺殺人跳跳舞1998 2.93 (27 Critiq.)
Bruce Lee Jeet Kune Do 1998 4.5 (1 Critiq.)
Beach Girl 1999

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