James YI Lei
James Yi Lui / I Lei


année  avis  moy.  nb
Excuse Me Please 1989 3 2
Gee and Jor 1978 2 1
Food for the Sharks 1982 1 1


année  avis  moy.  nb
The Extras 1978 3.5 1
Lost Generation 1983 3.5 1 supports fichés pour ce film
Framed 1989 3.08 3
The Red Panther 1983 3 2 supports fichés pour ce film
Excuse Me Please 1989 3 2
The Haunted Cop Shop 2 1988 2.95 5
Flaming Brothers 江湖龍虎鬥 1987 2.92 23 supports fichés pour ce film
My Darling Genie 我愛神仙遮 1984 2.83 3 supports fichés pour ce film
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 星際鈍胎 1983 2.75 7 supports fichés pour ce film
Operation Pink Squad 霸王女福星 1988 2.62 4 supports fichés pour ce film
The Discharged 1977 2.5 1
The Notorious Ones 1972 2 1
Adventure in Denmark 1973 2 1
Gee and Jor 1978 2 1
Food for the Sharks 1982 1 1
Bald-Headed Betty 1975 0.5 1
The Ghost and I 1979
My Darling Love 1974
Body for Sale 1976 supports fichés pour ce film
Go a Little Crazy 1977
Carry On Police 1982
The Clumsy Gambler 1977
A Haunted House 1975
The Crazy Instructor 1974
Hex Versus Witchcraft 邪鬥邪 1980 supports fichés pour ce film
The Simple-Mined Fellow 1976
Death on the Docks 1973
Hong Kong Nite Life 1973
Spy Vs. Spy 1966
Lam Ah Chun Blunders Again 1979
The Stupid Sailor, Ah Fook 1975
Disco Fever 1979
Lam Au Chun 1978
The Swinging Bunch (Colour) 1969
Every Girl a Romantic Dreamer 1967
The Lewd Woman 1970
Tiger 1973
The Little Man, Ah Fook 1974
To Sir with Trouble 1981
Love and Blood 1972
The Unwanted 1974
Luckies Trio 1978
Wedding Bells, Wedding Belles 1981 supports fichés pour ce film
The 3 Nymphs 1973
Foxbat 1977
Maria 1971
The Winner takes All 1975
Money is Lovely 1981
The Adventurous Air-Steward 1974


année  avis  moy.  nb
Go a Little Crazy 1977


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