List of movies

Country Title Year Avg. (nb)
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Hong-Kong Dragon Town City 1997 3.5 (1 Reviews)
On the Edge 2006 3.5 (24 Reviews)
The ICAC Series: Section 9 Dai Gau Tiu1977 3.5 (1 Reviews)
Fatal Love 殺之戀1988 3.5 (3 Reviews)
Snake Charmer 焚獸之都2002 3.5 (1 Reviews)
Loving You The tasteless detective1996 3.48 (24 Reviews)
Breaking News 大事件2004 3.47 (96 Reviews)
Wild Search 伴我闖天涯1989 3.47 (19 Reviews)
Colour Of The Truth 黑白森林2003 3.43 (38 Reviews)
Drug War 毒戰2013 3.41 (20 Reviews)
Gunmen 天羅地網1988 3.41 (40 Reviews)
A World without Thieves 天下无贼2004 3.4 (30 Reviews)
Victim 目露凶光1999 3.4 (40 Reviews)
Law with two phases 公僕1984 3.39 (7 Reviews)
Double Tap 鎗王2000 3.39 (30 Reviews)
The Unmatchable Match 風雨同路1990 3.39 (11 Reviews)
Never Say Regret 1990 3.38 (4 Reviews)
Running on Empty 1991 3.38 (8 Reviews)
She shoots straight 皇家女將1990 3.36 (31 Reviews)
Big Bullet 衝鋒隊怒火街頭1996 3.34 (43 Reviews)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
| Only movies with reviews | Projects/Shooting in progress
