List of movies

Country Title Year Avg. (nb)
Next Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Bhoutan The Cup 1998 3.05 (10 Reviews)
Cambodia One Evening after the War 1998 4.38 (2 Reviews)
China Going to school with my father on my back Bei qi baba shangxue1998 3 (1 Reviews)
Spicy Love Soup 爱情麻辣烫1998 3.17 (3 Reviews)
Xiu Xiu: The Sent-Down Girl 天浴1998 2.5 (5 Reviews)
Ruan's Song 扁担·姑娘1998 2.81 (4 Reviews)
France Massoud, the Afghan 1998 3.5 (1 Reviews)
Hong-Kong Nude Fear 追兇20年1998 3.38 (4 Reviews)
Cheap Killers 愈墮落愈英雄1998 2.77 (15 Reviews)
F***/Off 亞李.爸爸-兩個大盜1998 3.38 (2 Reviews)
Hot War 幻影特攻1998 2.52 (11 Reviews)
The Demon's Baby 猛鬼食人胎1998 2.44 (4 Reviews)
The Longest Summer 去年煙花特別多1998 3.88 (13 Reviews)
Anna Magdalena 安娜瑪德蓮娜1998 3.08 (20 Reviews)
Beauty Of the Haunted House 凶宅胭脂1998 3 (1 Reviews)
The Suspect 極度重犯1998 3.3 (25 Reviews)
The Love & Sex of the Eastern Hollywood 1998 2 (2 Reviews)
The Group 全職大盜1998 2.45 (5 Reviews)
Operation Billionaires 驚天大賊王1998 2.17 (3 Reviews)
Bio Zombie 生化壽屍1998 3.19 (35 Reviews)

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