NG Nim-Chun
Wu Nien-Jien


year  grade  avg.  nb
A One and a Two 一一 2000 3.98 49 available medias for this movie


year  grade  avg.  nb
End of the Road 異域之末路英雄 1993 1.88 4 available medias for this movie
My American Grandson 上海假期 1991 2.67 3 available medias for this movie
Song of the Exile 客途秋恨 1990 3.88 10 available medias for this movie
Dull Ice Flower 1989 available medias for this movie
City of Sadness 悲情城市 1989 4.12 16 available medias for this movie
Second Spring of Mr. Muo 1984 available medias for this movie


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Flop underline a poor performance

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