Chui Bo-Lun


year  grade  avg.  nb
Gunmen 天羅地網 1988 3.41 40 available medias for this movie
The Iron Butterfly 1989
Life Goes On 1989
The Iron Butterfly 2 特警90 II 之亡命天涯 1990
Spiritually a Cop 1991 3.88 4
Basic Impulse 1992 3 1
Lan Kwai Fong Swingers 1993 0 1
Long Hot Summer 1993
A Lustful Night 1993
Part-Time Lady 1993 0 1
Power Of Love 1993
The Dying Run 1994
Woman In Lust 1996 1 2
Erotic Ghost Story - Perfect Match 聊齋艷譚之幽媾 1997 2.38 2 available medias for this movie
Severely Rape 極度強姦 1998 available medias for this movie
Pathbreaker 1998
The Ghost Story - Lotus The Beauty 2009 available medias for this movie


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