Julia CHENG Yim-Lai


year  grade  avg.  nb
All's Well, Ends Well 1997 97家有喜事 1997 2.73 13 available medias for this movie
Daughter of Darkness 2 滅門慘案II借種 1994 3.5 5 available medias for this movie
Ghost Killer 1992 2.33 3
72 Tenants of Prosperity 七十二家房客 2010 3.25 2
The Woman Behind 1995 1.5 1
Hong-Kong X-File 鬼骨場 1998
Seamy Side of Life - A Black Chick 黑暗時代之無證妓女 2001
Whore & Policewoman 1993
Club Girls Romance 1992
Salt and Pepper 癲鳳傻龍 2004
The World of Ghosts 靈異鬼世界 2003
Black Nightmare 迷離檔案之遊戲陰陽界 2002
White Horror 社會檔案:奪命醫院 2002
The Angels 天使風雲 1991
Feeling of Love 1996
45 Days Lover 情迷個半月 2003


Top rewards a valuable job.

Flop underline a poor performance

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