CHA In-Pyo
차 인표


year of Birth1967


year  grade  avg.  nb
Iron Palm 아이언 팜 2002 2.98 10 available medias for this movie
May 18 화려한 휴가 2007 2.14 9 available medias for this movie
Crossing 크로싱 2008 2.62 4
Mokpo, Gangster's Paradise 목포는 항구다 2004 2.44 4 available medias for this movie
The Tower 타워 2012 3.25 3
The Korean Peninsula 한반도 2006 0.42 3 available medias for this movie
Dr K 닥터 K 1999 1.38 2 available medias for this movie
Big Thing (TV) 대물 2011 available medias for this movie
A Dream Comes True 돌멩이의 꿈 2009
Season in the Sun 보리울의 여름 2003


Top rewards a valuable job.

Flop underline a poor performance

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