Any advice on where to start building mascle mass?


04-18-23 18:43 

Hey guys, I'm wondering how to build muscle mass. Any advice on where to start?

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04-18-23 18:52 RE: Any advice on where to start building mascle mass?

To build muscle mass, you need to focus on two main things: strength training and nutrition. In terms of strength training, aim for compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, and bench press that work multiple muscle groups at once. Start with lighter weights and focus on perfecting your form before gradually increasing the weight. As for nutrition tren for sale, make sure you're eating enough calories and getting plenty of protein to support muscle growth. Aim for at least one gram of protein per pound of body weight per day.

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04-18-23 19:10 RE: Any advice on where to start building mascle mass?

I agree with David's advice, but I also want to emphasize the importance of consistency. Building muscle mass takes time and effort, so make sure you're consistent with your workouts and nutrition over the long term. Aim to strength train at least 3-4 times a week and make sure you're hitting your calorie and protein targets consistently. And don't forget to track your progress! Take measurements or progress pictures every few weeks to see how your body is changing and adjust your routine accordingly.

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