Golden Chicken


03-26-03 18:06 

Anybody saw Golden Chicken here ? Your opinion?

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03-30-03 23:45 RE: Golden Chicken

HAvent seen it yet, but Peter Chan really rocks and he speaks a lot ;)

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04-11-03 21:30 RE: Golden Chicken

jeez did'nt even know that we could talk in english 'round here..

hell no, but,I'm gonna order it , I saw your post on the french forum,seems to
be a really great movie.

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04-14-03 19:22 RE: Golden Chicken

Well, depends, if you like Wong Jing comedies, you won't find it very funny. But if you like all the UFO comedies (light comedy, some interesting topics, good casts), then you will be delighted. It's definately another kind of comedy, some people finds it boring and uninteresting. But between this kind of movie and an Irresistible Piggies, the choice is easy to make for me...

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06-19-03 12:24 RE: Golden Chicken

I watched Golden for 2 times. Highly recommend to those people who like hk culture. "I hope there are some hk culture lovers" :p
Almost all of my friends feel touching after they watched Golden Chicken. We are so suprise that the director can express the main hk history in 108 mins. The story of Golden chicken is absolutely truth. For those french people who dont understand hk culture, it jsut a funny movie, maybe. But acturally, It is talking about bad story. It should be amazing that the director can pack the sad story in that way. My conclusion, if you understand or want to understand hk history, you will feel golden chicken is good and touching . Overwise, you dont have so much feeling. Again, its not funny story at all. Its sad story ::::>.<::::

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06-19-03 12:31 RE: Golden Chicken

>Its sad story ::::>.<::::

Well, it's not really that sad, there is a happy ending, just like in Frugal Game, probably in order to show that HK people always have the faith and find a solution.

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06-22-03 20:32 RE: Golden Chicken

I’ve just seen it. Without being enthusiastic as François, I found it interesting. The scenario is intelligent with his historical prospect. It’s a dramatic comedy (difficult style) sometimes amusing but with weaknesses of rhythm and a mixed acting performance of Sandra Ng who’s too “demonstrative” for the tone of the movie (I usually don’t like Eric Tsang acting, so…).

> there is a happy ending

Yes, and I found that money take a very large part in it, like in hk life I presume. I d’on’t know if it’s intentional (I think it is) but we can reduce all Golden Chicken plot to a matter of money, a race to an hk way of life … If Kum story’s HK story, so HK is the Golden Chicken, right ?

If one isn’t interested by History and history of HK (Chow Yun Fat in an old TVB serial is an hilarious moment ) this movie can be boring sometimes…, I guess. My rating is 3 or 3,25/5.

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06-22-03 20:55 RE: Golden Chicken

Another thing > the HK box-office success of Golden Chicken is quite interresting as the movie itself, 'cause that indicate a "maturation" of hk movie industry and hk public who can now enjoy a non absurd comedy with a serious plot. Not a political plot yet, but a story who deal with reality.

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06-23-03 09:42 RE: Golden Chicken

>I d’on’t know if it’s intentional (I think it is) but we can reduce all Golden Chicken plot to a matter of money

Well, HK was the most capitalist place in the world until recently, so yes, money is very important in HK. Should I recall you that you don't have all the systems in France for social security or after you have retired ? You can make a lot of money in HK, but you can also have a lot of problems if you don't make a lot of money... There are both extremely rich people there, and extremely poor also.

>If one isn’t interested by History and history of HK (Chow Yun Fat in an old TVB serial is an hilarious moment ) this movie can be boring sometimes…

Exactly... I watched it again to check if I was not too nice with it, but I laughed again a lot, and found the movie very interesting again. I guess i'ts because I'm as interested in the culture and history of HK in the recent years as I'm interested in the movies. So I should probably underline it more in my reviews, you will enjoy this movie if you are hKgese or interested in HK history. Otherwise that's probably not what you should look for...

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04-16-21 14:34 RE: Golden Chicken

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05-09-21 12:29 RE: Golden Chicken

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11-08-21 13:32 RE: Golden Chicken

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08-15-22 13:35 RE: Golden Chicken


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11-03-22 19:37 RE: Golden Chicken

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08-18-23 09:57 RE: Golden Chicken

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03-18-24 11:39 RE: Golden Chicken

Dzień dobry! Moja opinia jest taka: niektóre firmy ubezpieczeniowe mogą oferować opcję zakupu ubezpieczenia na podróż w jedną stronę, ale może to wynikać z dodatkowych opłat lub ograniczeń ubezpieczenia. Dlatego przed zakupem ubezpieczenia ważne jest, aby dokładnie przyjrzeć się Warunkom i ograniczeniom konkretnej polisy, aby zrozumieć, jakie rodzaje kosztów pokrywa i jakie mogą być wyjątki i ograniczenia. Jeśli porównasz to z ubezpieczenia nieruchomości online na platformie, nie musisz nic dodatkowo płacić.

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04-09-24 17:36 RE: Golden Chicken

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08-01-24 12:02 RE: Golden Chicken

Hey everyone! Totally agree with the points about "Golden Chicken" being a reflection of HK's capitalist society. It's fascinating how the movie blends humor with the harsh realities of life in HK, showcasing both the highs and lows. The characters are a great representation of how people navigate these extremes, and it's not just about the money but also the survival in a fast-paced environment. The cultural and historical context adds a lot of depth, making it more than just a comedy. If you're into HK history or the societal nuances, it's definitely worth a watch. But if not, you might miss out on the subtler elements.

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